Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who says Black is Slimming?

Okay, I have been promising to post some pictures of the pregnant belly-so here goes. I don't know why, but I have gotten a lot of bizarre comments from complete strangers this pregnancy. Maybe I look a little bit more freaky or maybe it's just these Idahoans. On my way into the doctors office yesterday I was standing waiting for the elevator and the lady next to me asked me if my belly was real? Is that a question you would ask a complete stranger--especially after Halloween. I proceed to tell her yes, it is real and she responds with wow you have got to take a lot of pictures. And I am wondering--Does this lady have a filter? So enjoy the photos and have a good laugh or gasp at my expense.

Not too bad from the back.

Okay so it's getting kinda big.

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Kristin said...

You look wonderful, I don't think I'll be posting any of my largeness, I swear, I'm HUGE! Thankfully it will all be over in a week.

JK Waite said...

Black is totally slimming! You can barely tell you're prego! HONEst! ;} Seriously, you do look great. By this stage I still have four weeks left, not two and my face is five times normal size; let's not even talk cankles, er... ankles. The kids pray for your baby every night. Hope all goes well. We love you bunches!

Mark Waite said...

Congratulations on the new you! I'd offer to post pictures of Coleen's "new you" when she was pregnant with the twins, but I would probably be killed, slowly and painfully.

Sugar Spice Puppy Tales said...

That's how I looked and felt! AAAHHHH! Will it ever be over?!?!? Well, it will, then you'll have 4 to manage... but nothing is as bad as feeling huge and pregnant, trust me. Hang in there Anna, can't wait to see pictures of the newest Grange baby :)

Natalie said...

You look GREAT! At the end of pregnancy you feel huge.. I keep checking your blog to see if you have had your little one yet. Mine came 3 weeks early...

Caryn said...

Your OB didn't tell you you were having twins?
Don't you think filters are overrated?
Joshua is a terrific name.

Allison said...

That is so hilarious! You must admit, there are worse unfiltered comments out there. It just means no other part of you looked pregnant, right? So in a weird way it was a compliment. :)

JK Waite said...

okay, just take two minutes and post one little picture of Joshua! We'd love to see him!!! Hope all went well with the blessing. sorry we couldn't make it. We miss you guys!