Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oxbow Zoo--October 13, 2007

We had such a great time having Jared and Kirsten come and stay. My kids just love getting together with their cousins. We were able to go and visit Oxbow Zoo on Saturday before they had to leave. They all had a really fun time checking out all of the animals.

Jared, Mackay, Spencer and Emma.

Not the greatest picture, but hey almost everyone was in it.

Whitney, Mackay and Sophia petting the baby cows. We were there just before feeding and the cows were going crazy. They were mooing so loud and licking their empty trough. Danny was standing close to the fence and they kept licking his shirt. What fun!!!

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The wild turkeys checking out the wild turkeys. I kept asking them to turn around for a picture but the turkeys were too interesting.