Friday, November 03, 2006

Pumpkin Patch October 7, 2006

Sophia's friend had a birthday party at a pumkin patch and needed me to drive some kids so we ended up inviting our whole family along. They didn't seem to care too much and the kids had a great time picking apples, manuvering through the corn maze, and petting baby farm animals.

Mackay seeing how tall he is. Almost 41/2 feet WoW!

Sophia and all the other kids in the party group.

Sophia and Mackay on top of the hay bails. Of course it was a beautiful sunny day with a roaring wind. Welcome to Minnesota. It seemed to be mating season for the Japanese Beetles also. They were all over the place, I mean in swarms.

Danny, Mackay, Sophia and the birthday girl, Hannah, going on a hayride to go pick apples.

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