Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

This Halloween was fun, fabulous and freezing cold. The temperature was about 30 degrees with chilly wind as a bonus. Sophie went as Sleeping Beauty, Mackay was a knight with a skeleton face and Spence was a pirate. Mackay told us he didn't want to be a knight he wanted to be something scary this year. So we had to compromise to get one more year out of the knight costume. This was actually the third time Danny painted his face because of some other parties we went to. Spencer was facinated with the paint and kept trying to grab his face all night. We took these pictures just before we bundled them up to go trick or treating. Danny was the lucky chaperone and I got to stay home with Spence and hand out candy to all 6 of the trick or treaters. We acutally left at 7 o'clock to hang out with some friends. We had some great food and tried to play a game while Spence crawled all over the game board. By eight thirty Danny and I were exhausted.

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Kevin & Chelsey said...

Great costumes. Look at those big grins just waiting to come home with tons of candy.