Monday, June 01, 2009

Entropy Wins

Well dear friends, I am afraid entropy wins at our house. Just when I think I am on top of things everything seems to crumbles and fall apart again. I often wonder what my life would look like from the heavens. One woman just moving a lot of stuff (laundry, toys, dishes . . . ) around day after day. I wonder if anyone is laughing. I might be if I were watching. Ah the joy of learning patience and persistence!


Sugar Spice Puppy Tales said...

Entropy:"A process of degredation or running down or a trend to disorder." Yep, that's my life in a nutshell. I hope someday "Anna Wins"!

Unknown said...

Thats great story you displayed on your blog, I hope someday "Anna Wins"!
Thanks for sharing...

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kateworthi said...

Agreed. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Why do you think i haven't blogged for the last 6 months? Hope you guys are doin' well. What's new? If ya want, send me a note on FB when you get a chance.

Melissa said...

Anna they turned out great I can't believe how fast Josh is growing. Soon he will be like Talia and walking. Hope life is good. Talk to you soon.