Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sophie Finally Looses her 1st Tooth--December 2, 2007

Sophie successfully ripped out her first tooth with a little prodding from her Dad. Here she is holding the specimen. I'm sure none of you can see it because it is so small. So small in fact that she only lost it 3 times before bed time. Lets just say there was a lot of drama that night and we were all glad when the tooth fairy finally came. Sophie told me she saw the tooth fairy's red bag that she puts all the teeth in and that the tooth fairy got tired and laid down next to her for a little while.

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Laurens_Closet said...

HEY Grange's! I was on the Jones' blog site & they have a link to YOUR blog. (I have to get into this blog thing- great for showing off pics of the kids!!) So I had to say HELLO from the HEMPELS! Hope you are all doing well... can't BELIEVE how big your kids are! AMAZING! It was fun to take a look at your pics. How much longer till residency is over? Eric is done and slaving away- we own our own clinic and are living in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Lauren is 5 in kindergarten and we have a little guy, Corbin, who is 16 months.

Good to see the pics! If you ever want to say hello, our email is laurenscloset@gmail.com

Take Care!

Amy Hempel