Monday, September 11, 2006

Danny's 31st Birthday

For Danny's Birthday we went to dinner at Dos Amigos--mexican of course. After we came home and had the best Chocolate Cake EVER!! Danny got to shop for his own birthday present this year. He pooled all of his birthday money and finally bought an MP3 player. He practially stalked the mailbox for a week waiting for it to arrive.

Danny, Spence, Sophia, and Mackay waiting for their cake.

Spencer trying out a candle.

They all agree--its the best Chocolate Cake EVER!!

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Kevin & Chelsey said...

Looks like you guys had a great party. I will need to get your recipe for the cake if it is the BEST, since we LOVE chocolate cake. It is fun to see how much the kids are growing. Hopefully we can make a trip out to see you guys soon.